Kire Ayonzla
Name: Kire Ayonzla
Race: Viera (Veena) + Draconic Hybrid
Gender: GenderFluid
Pronouns: He/him, she/her, they/them
Age: 24
Orientation: Gay
Nameday: 32nd Sun of the 4th Astral Moon (7/31)
Height: 5 Fulm (feet) 7 Ilms (inches)
Weight: 200 Ponze (Pounds)
Hair: Black with Green Highlights
Eyes: Left eye- Lavender, Right eye- Gold
Other Facial features: Has a tribal tattoo on the left side of his face that he got when he was 10 years old. Freckles also dot his face and can be found all over his body.
Scars: Kire has scars covering all over his body. His freckles hide them, but if you look close enough, you'll see the varying scars that line his body. One of his most prominent are two bite marks on the back of his neck. He is VERY protective of that, so try to mess with it and you'll be on his bad side.
Likes: His Family, sweets, romance, cuddles, hugs
Dislikes: Forced Solitude, Being Abandoned, rats and mice
Personality: A soft, quiet and shy boy at first Kire takes a bit to open up. However, once he does open up you'll find that he is a kind, caring, loving, goofy and snarky person. He loves to tease and be teased in return so once you are on good terms with him don't hold back. Just don't mess with his loved ones or you'll find yourself between his blades or his bow.
Growing up in the forest at the foot of the mountains was a wonderful serene time. Lots of room for children to run around and play in the snow. Kire, who would later be known as Miko, was one of those children. From birth, Kire had been told that they were a boy, constantly told of duties and training that would follow. They, however, thought nothing too much of it, living in the moment, those days seemed so far away so why even worry about them now. Time had passed on and soon Kire's 13th birthday had come, and just as all the adults had been saying things began to change, they had begun to show visible signs of Male hood. A noticeable horror washed over Kire as, now he, had the sudden realization that everything that had been told to him at birth had now become the truth. He did not want to leave his home, it was nice here and the people were kind…he had friends and loved ones here. And just to his luck, the next time the men of the village came to take kits of age wasn't until months from now. Everything was happening at lightning speed in Kire's eyes, people had begun to distance themselves knowing that he would not be coming back, some sending him off with hopeful wishes and others just hard blocking him out.The hardest one to deal with by far was his mother's cold shoulder, as whenever the two were home, they were no longer together, constantly in separate rooms with no communication. Kire wanted to protest and run away from it all, but what could he do as just one child…so he sat there, alone, and took it dreadfully waiting for the inevitable day the men of the village would come back.The day that the men had come back to the village was a day that he was sure to never forget. He had gotten used to being alone, often hanging back in rooms and assuming a fly-on-the-wall position, casually listening and picking up the casual conversation. In one such instance, he had overheard that today was the day the men were finally to return.A nervousness crept over Kire as he realized the fated day was finally upon him. He knew that this was inevitable and all he could do was wait until they took him away. He counted down the hours, drenched in nerves, slowly walking around the village taking everything in, this would be the last time he would call this home.As he continued walking around out of the corner of his eye, something caught his attention. There was movement on what looked like the edge of the village and it looked like it was getting closer. He walked closer to it, trying to get a better look and as he got closer it became more evident that it was fighting. Bows, lances, swords, and axes were all drawn, people were fighting left and right and it kept getting closer and closer to the village.Growing up Kire had heard stories of war. Hundreds of years ago, there was a war that had pushed Veena out of their home, forcing some into permanent exile. There had been some talks from the men who had periodically returned to the village of another war brewing, but it had seemed so far away at the time that there was no need to worry. However, that was no longer the case.....the war was here at the doorstep of the village. He watched on, unsure of what to do as both Male and Female Veena joined the fight, fighting as hard as they could to protect the village. As the battle went on he looked around for some cover, trying as best he could to get away from the fight. It was all for naught, however, as an enemy soldier spotted him and began throwing what he could only describe as little balls of the sun at him. He was able to dodge most of the assault, running from the soldier, until he tripped over a rock, falling to the ground. The soldier sneered at Kire, fire magic in hand and at the ready. As the soldier was about to let the fire loose, an arrow landed in his throat and he soon fell to the floor dead.Kire lay there in fear as a male Veena walked up to him. He looked up to the Veena and it was clear that there was annoyance plastered all over his face, as he looked Kire up and down. The Veena threw a spare bow, with some arrows over to him, yelling "You are a Veena are you not? Pick up that bow and prove it". Kire nodded nervously and picked up the bow, only ever using a bow before to gather food or for recreational purposes. The bow felt heavy in his hands and he clumsily cocked each arrow in, completely out of his element. He followed closely behind the Veena, knowing that this was his best chance at survival.After what felt like an eternity, the fighting had drawn to a close, the village was safe, however, the damage had been done. There were wounded and some dead scattered around, Kire stayed close to the Veena who had saved him, gripping his bow tightly. The Veena who was annoyed that Kire had been following finally turned around and look him up and down. After a bit of silence, the Veena finally spoke "How old are you boy?". Hesitantly Kire responded that he was 13 and another silence filled in between them. A sigh came from the Veena and then he looked at Kire once more "From now on you listen to me, only speak when spoken to….You will learn to use this bow like it's an extension of your arm."War raged on in the years that followed, Kire taking part in a number of fights. However, as time went on the fighting died down, which then opened the way for his trainer, who he had been told to call Master Nizzola, to train Kire in his own way.Life with Master Nizzola was anything but kind, it was gruesome days. During the war Master Nizzola had been lightly training Kire and it had always been harsh, but this was different. Once the war was over training felt crueler and more sinister than it had ever been before. Kire’s every word and movement was scrutinized, and if Kire had misstepped his bow would be taken away and he would be subjected to the elements of the forest. The only way he would be able to get his bow back and be able to return would be to prove to his master that he had known the skills he had been taught.Depending on how bad the mistakes his master deemed were would result in the number of days Kire would stay out in the forest alone, the worse the mistake the longer he would stay out in the forest. Kire learned quickly what pushed his master’s buttons, and soon became the obedient little soldier that his master wanted. Words were meaningless, Master Nizzola wanted a weapon and that's what Kire gave him, for a weapon was never meant to speak. Thus he closed his voice off, resulting in him becoming selectively mute.As years passed Kire constantly thought about getting away, but always arrived at the same conclusion. Where would he go if he left his master, as a man it was tradition that he couldn’t live in the village, plus if he left the Green Word would take effect and he would be cast out from the tribe, never able to return. Thus Kire stayed, with hopes that he would be fortunate enough to go back home.He got his wish when he turned 18, his master had finally come to him and told him that both of them would be returning to the village. Excitement lit up in Kire, he would be able to go back home to the village he called home all his childhood. However, that excitement soon turned to dread as the realization hit Kire as to why he was finally going home.As a child, Kire saw men come and go from the village every couple of years or so. Being a child he didn’t fully understand why this would happen, however, now older he understood that the men came back to the village to mate and foster the next generation of Veena. Thus, as he traveled back to the village with his master an overwhelming dread came over him, if this is what was required of him he knew he couldn’t do it. Other than being overwhelmed by the very thought of procreating, Kire was gay. He had never seen women in that light before, he was able to admire and recognize when a woman was beautiful, but never had sexual thoughts about them before. Men on the other hand always caught his attention. As such, when Kire was presented with his first potential mate, he swiftly declined. For the two days that they were in the village every woman that was placed in front of Kire he politely declined, which only upset his master further.As their time in the village drew to a close, there was an evident rage in Kire’s master's eyes. Kire could sense something was wrong, cautiously approaching his master for the trip back away from the village. Before he had even time to grab his things, they were thrown in front of him. His master yelled at him up and down about embarrassing not only him, but the entire Veena clan. As a man, he had a duty to fulfill and that was to foster the next generation of Veenas. Kire was too “different” and now a choice was presented before him, either he could partake in the mating season at the village, or he could leave to never come back. Mating season was a tradition of sorts, and anyone not respecting that was thrown out.Faced with this decision Kire decided to leave. He packed up all his belongings and left never looking back to the village. Kire Milou, now named Miko Nizzola (as he changed his name as all Viera do when leaving their villages) moved forward with his life, still occasionally missing home, but knowing that where he is now was the best move he could have made.Nowadays he has reclaimed his name, returning to his birth name Kire. He is married and engaged with a child and a brighter outlook on life.

Zevre Milou
Kire's mother, for the first 13 years of his life she was the perfect Mother. She loved and cared for Miko with every fiber of her being. However, when Miko turned 13 she cut all contact with him, exiting herself from his life. Because of this his feelings towards her are mixed, he loves her more then anything but will never be able to move on from what she did.

Thiarn Nizzola
The one who trained Kire and the one he calls Master. This man was responsible for Miko's torment during his time training. Fear, resentment, and hate are all that Miko feels for this man and it only got stronger when he learned this man was his father. As is Viera tradition when renaming oneself, Kire took his master's last name and as a reminder to never forget what this man did to him.

Khae'Lyn "Khae" Ayonzla
Kire's Husband, mate and love of his life. Kire will say it till the day he dies, but Khae truly is his better half. Khae draws the attention of everyone in the room when he walks in, a flirty charisma that both soothes and excites emanates from him. However, what hides beneath is an adorably sweet and shy man that is always able to take Kire's breath away.The two started their relationship on the untraditional side as friends with benefits, but quickly both caught feelings for the other. On a whim Kire proposed the idea of the two of them dating, Khae soon agreed and the rest has been history. They aren't perfect by any means, their relationship has had its many ups and downs, but both of them know that they have found their person, their soul mate. The two are happily married, having bonded on the 30th sun of the second umbral moon (4/28).

Cayden Shadowstepp
Kire's fiancée and mate. They met by chance at The Honey Bee Inn, where they work. The two got to talking and discovered they had much more in common than they thought. Cayden is sweet, kind, and all-around adorable to Kire. It's not something that he ever thought would happen, after all, he had found love already. However, after talks with Khae, the two realized they had feelings for him and confessed to Cayden, and now the three have pursued a relationship.

Dyri Ayonzla
The child who made Khae, Kire and now Cayden dads. Left for dead in the forests of the Skatay Range, Khae and Kire quickly took the boy home and nursed him back to health. Children were not something that they had frequently talked about but the more time they spent with Dyri the less they wanted to let him go. After talking to Dyri, they offered their home to him, to live a family. Tearfully accepting Dyri became their adopted son. Now a household of 3 life is hectic but both Khae and Kire would agree that being Dyri's fathers is one of the most rewarding things they have done. No matter how old he gets Dyri will always be their baby.

Renthel "Ren" Milou
Kire's brother. Born in Skatay and raised in Kugane the two never met until by chance at a cafe. One thing led to another and the two realized they were related. Now with this information, the two are closer than ever, doing their best to catch up on all the time they had last. To Kire he could not ask for a better older brother.

Tempest Milou
Ren's mate and husband, making this Kire's brother-in-law. The two met shortly after he and Ren found out who they were to each other. A quieter, more polite man, in contrast to his louder and rambunctious brother. The two are perfectly suited to each other and Kire is more than happy to call Tempest family. Someone needs to keep Ren in place.

Nasu Milou
Ren and Tempest's kit. A bright and happy child Nasu is a breath of fresh air. Born in the first and brought over to the source, Nasu remembers little of back home, but he quickly found his parents here and hasn't looked back since. Kire dotes on the young one as much as he can, only adding further to how spoiled he is.

Rhae'Lyn "Rhae" Aeonyss-Wolf
Kire's sister-in-law. The first of the Aeonyss twins he met, Rhae is a bubbly, quirky ball of sunshine that brings a smile to Miko's face. When the two hang out you can be sure shenanigans will ensue and neither would have it any other way. Rhae truly is the sister he never had, affectionately calling her his 'lil sis', which Rhae returns in kind calling Kire her 'big bro'.

Ariku Rinmo
Ariku is the half-brother of Khae and Rhae making him Kire's brother-in-law. A cheerful lighthearted soul, Ariku lights up every room he is in. Dubbed the ray of sunshine in the family by everyone he is a very welcome addition. Although his first meeting with Miko was not the best, Kire has more than not made up for it. He cares for Ariku deeply, treating him like a brother.

Belloc Fortuna
An unlikely friend, but another person who has been a welcome addition in Kire's life. A seafood salesman, that is also Ariku's partner, the two met on one of Belloc's deliveries to The Bismarck where Kire worked. At first glance, the two did not recognize each other, but after a bit of talking, they realized who each other was. The two exchanged numbers and quickly become texting buddies, sharing jokes and stories. It was unintentional, but under the noses of their respective partners, the two have become fast friends.

Guffie Kisaragi
One of the leaders of the FC Kire is in and his other sister-in-law. A kind and caring person who welcomes everyone she can with open arms, but mess with the ones she cares for and you are in for her wrath. She was the one who recruited Kire into the FC and introduced him to everyone he now hails as close friends. Often finding quiet moments to share together the two can be found conversing over a cup of tea.

Kurodo Wolf
One of the most intense individuals Kire has met who is now his brother-in-law. The husband to both, Rhae and Guffie he is a stoic quiet man. However, the intensity of this man is only a front. He is always willing to lend a hand, willing to do whatever for his loved ones. Kurodo and Kire's relationship was rocky at first as misunderstandings left bad impressions on both of them. However, after talking it out the two are on much better terms. Best friends might not be on the menu for these two but they do have each other's backs.

Lokein Skamos
A close friend who he met in the FC they share. They soon became quick friends after running into each other countless times. An easy-going mild-tempered man, Kire enjoys teasing the man but makes sure to never go too far. The two have each other's back and know that if called to help they would both have each other's backs.
Hello! It's nice to meet you! Thank you for reading all about my lovely boy. You've made it all the way here so have some info about me, the person behind Kire!Name: Jess
Age: 24
Gender: Genderfluid
Pronouns: Any!
Timezone: EST
DC/World: Primal [Ultros]
RP type: Available for both in-game or discord RP, just please ask first!When you can't find me on Ultros I'm working on Crystal! If you would like to know more about that or would like to book Kire for any RP services, please seek out the appropriate methods on the Honey Bee Inn discord! If you have any questions on services or what is okay or not you can always reach out to me.Kire's origins are very personal to him so unless he has directly told you in RP about his life, please do not talk to him about it! Everything you read here about him is for you OOC to know. Thank you!As another reminder Kire is married and mated and as such he is not on the market or looking for anyone, if you are looking to RP a relationship or to simply cause drama in the established relationships he already has seek someone else.
For all ERP all parties must be over 18 and no lalas not even as a joke. Please also remember consent is key. There are some hard nos I have for Kire and myself on things I am comfortable rping and not, so if you are ever curious about anything please just ask! Also if at any point I am uncomfortable by what is going on I reserve the right to pull Kire out of the situation and stop the RP.And last but not least Kire and I are two separate people!That being said if there are any hard topics being discussed during rp, OOC health and wellness checks will happen. I enjoy rping and want to make sure everyone is still having fun! With that also in mind for my own well being I like keeping rp separate from my own life so please do not bring IRL drama into rp scenarios. I may rp Kire but I am not him.We are both excited to meet you all. Have an amazing day ❤️